When a cyst bleeds, it develops into a hemorrhagic ovarian cyst (a tiny fluid-filled sac that can grow in the ovaries of fertile females).
Ovarian Cyst : Types, Causes, Symptoms & Management
A yeast infection is a fungal infection that produces swelling, discharge, and extreme discomfort in the vagina.
PCOS Diagnosis
PCOS is one of the most common diseases women suffer from nowadays. The PCOS diagnosis can be a shocker for you. But let us tell...
Heavy Bleeding During Periods (Menorrhagia) Causes
It's typical to have a couple of days with a lot of flow at the start of your period. We've all accidentally soaked through a...
Bleeding During Pregnancy
During their pregnancy, up to one out of every four pregnant women (up to 25%) can have some bleeding or spotting. Pregnancy bleeding and spotting...
Types of Infertility in Women
As per data 3.9% to 16.8% of women of age 15 to 49 respectively are infertile in India. But what is it, are there any...