As the hairs are form, melanocytes inject melanin pigment into the cells containing keratin. Keratin protein makes your hair, skin, and nails.
Ways to Prevent Preeclampsia in Pregnancy
Preeclampsia is a condition in which a woman experience abnormal enlargement of the placenta, high blood pressure and high levels of protein in the urine...
Problems Faced By Females With PCOS
PCOS is an endocrine disorder mainly seen in teenage women due to hormonal imbalances, including higher testosterone production than normal.
Ways To Fix Greasy Hair
Overactive oil glands present at the roots of the hair lead to greasy hair. It is an unpleasant condition leading to hair clumps, hair thinness,...
Vaginal Atrophy: Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis & Treatment
About 1.8 billion women menstruate per month in the world and deal with health problems due to a lack of hygiene.
Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) : Symptoms, Causes, Diagnosis, Treatment & Prevention
A urinary tract infection, often known as a UTI, is an infection that affects any portion of your urinary system, including your kidneys, bladder, ureters,...