how to cure pcod problem permanently

Medically Reviewed by Dr Sravya, MBBS, MS 


PCOD is the short structure for polycystic ovary disorder. How to cure PCOD problem permanently? 

PCOD typically develops as a result of hormonal imbalances. Hormonal issues arise during the reproductive years. which could mean that you don’t get your periods as often, or it could mean that the person is going through periods that last several days.

how to cure pcod problem permanently

PCOD is a condition that influences ovaries.  Ovaries are the reproductive organs in females. In addition to producing small amounts of hormones like inhibin, relaxin, and male hormones known as androgens, the ovaries also produce progesterone and estrogen hormones, which assist in regulating the menstrual cycle.

A medical condition known as polycystic ovarian disease (PCOD) occurs when the ovaries of a woman produce a large number of eggs that are either partially mature or immature and eventually develop into cysts. Because of this, ovaries become enormous and discharge huge amounts of male hormones called androgens.

What Causes PCOD?

PCOD’s exact cause is still unknown. The following are some of the possible causes of PCOD problems:

Signs and symptoms of PCOD

Most women learn about PCOD when they have their first period, when they have gained a lot of weight, or are pregnant. A person with a PCOD problem may experience one or more symptoms.

The few signs and symptoms of PCOD are listed below.

How to cure PCOD problem permanently

The first line of treatment for PCOD patients is lifestyle change. Making changes in one’s diet and lifestyle is the most important and easiest way to treat PCOD. The majority of PCOD women are obese. 

Regular exercise and a healthy eating regimen are truly useful. A healthy BMI of 18.5 to 24.9 is recommended, and a diet rich in fruits and vegetables is recommended. It is best to avoid starchy or sugary foods because PCOD may result in high blood sugar. Consuming foods and meals rich in high fiber gradually raises blood sugar levels. PCOD treatment for women requires a combination of lifestyle changes and medication.

Depending on the severity of the symptoms, pcod can be treated with a variety of medications. Different issues related to PCOD can be treated by various medical regimes. Irregular or absent periods. Regular periods can be induced with the use of a contraceptive pill, or they can be induced intermittently with progestogen tablets.

Problems with fertility Women with PCOD who are trying to conceive are advised to begin treatment with clomifene, a medication. Clomifene causes ovulation, the monthly release of an egg from the ovaries. Metformin, a different medication, may be utilized if clomifene fails to induce ovulation. Metformin is by and large used to treat type 2 diabetes, yet it can likewise bring down insulin and glucose levels in ladies with PCOS.

Metformin may also have other long-term health benefits, such as lowering high cholesterol levels and lowering the risk of heart disease, in addition to stimulating ovulation, encouraging regular monthly periods, and lowering the risk of miscarriage. Metformin can be used “off-label” in certain circumstances to encourage fertility and control the symptoms of pcod, but it is not licensed for treating PCOS in some countries because many women with PCOD have insulin resistance.

Combination oral contraceptives can be used to treat both excessive hair growth (hirsutism) and hair loss (alopecia). A balm called eflornithine can likewise be utilized to dial back the development of undesirable beard growth.

After receiving this medication, improvement can be observed within four to eight weeks. For excessive hair growth, anti-androgen medications may also be administered on occasion. Treatments for unwanted, excessive hair growth include plucking, shaving, threading, creams, and laser removal.

Natural home remedies for PCOD

PCOD can be treated with natural remedies, but they can not eliminate the condition. However, when used in conjunction with prescribed medications, it produces positive results. PCOD can be treated with natural remedies, a healthy lifestyle, and medications.

The following are some natural treatments of pcod problems:

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