Urinary Tract Infection Home Remedies

Medically Reviewed by Dr Sravya, MBBS, MS 


Urinary Tract Infection Home Remedies

Urinary tract inflammation / Infection (UTI), as the name suggests, is an infection occurring inside your urinary tract. UTI is a bacterial infection that can be extremely painful, uncomfortable, and annoying.

Although medical intervention is essential in such cases, you might seek instant relief from the immense pain and discomfort caused by UTI. This article discusses 5 such urinary tract infection home remedies that can suppress the symptoms and help in healing you. The 5 effective urinary tract infection home remedies to be discussed.

Before we jump into each home remedy in detail, we must understand the causes, signs, and symptoms of UTI.

UTI - an overview

UTIs are very common around the world. However, it is especially common in pregnant Indian women. About 5%-10% of pregnant Indian women have had a UTI. Even in general, there are more female incidences of UTI compared to men. UTIs occur when bacteria make their way to the urinary system of the body, mainly the bladder. What connects the bladder to the openings, or points of entry for the bacteria, in a body is known as the urethra. In females, this connecting tube is way shorter than that present in the male urinary system, making the journey of the bacteria much faster and easier.
Now that we know that the occurrence of UTIs depends on bacterial accessibility to the body, other causes of UTIs can be figured out. Any changes to the vaginal structure and environment, internal and external, can lead to UTIs. Some causes have been listed here:

Upon bacterial invasion due to any of the reasons mentioned above, in the occurrence of a UTI, you might observe or feel these signs and symptoms:

How can you treat your UTI at home?

Listed below are the 5 most effective urinary tract infection home remedies. However, you must seek a consultant’s advice since this article is only for informational purposes. At Hercare Group, we have a team of professional consultants who can guide you with treatment options specifically for your case! Since UTIs are more common in pregnant women our pregnancy consultation is highly recommended in case you have any signs of a UTI. 

Some of the most important urinary tract infection home remedies are listed below:

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