Urinary Tract Infection Home Remedies
Medically Reviewed by Dr Sravya, MBBS, MS

Urinary tract inflammation / Infection (UTI), as the name suggests, is an infection occurring inside your urinary tract. UTI is a bacterial infection that can be extremely painful, uncomfortable, and annoying.
Although medical intervention is essential in such cases, you might seek instant relief from the immense pain and discomfort caused by UTI. This article discusses 5 such urinary tract infection home remedies that can suppress the symptoms and help in healing you. The 5 effective urinary tract infection home remedies to be discussed.
Before we jump into each home remedy in detail, we must understand the causes, signs, and symptoms of UTI.
UTI - an overview
UTIs are very common around the world. However, it is especially common in pregnant Indian women. About 5%-10% of pregnant Indian women have had a UTI. Even in general, there are more female incidences of UTI compared to men. UTIs occur when bacteria make their way to the urinary system of the body, mainly the bladder. What connects the bladder to the openings, or points of entry for the bacteria, in a body is known as the urethra. In females, this connecting tube is way shorter than that present in the male urinary system, making the journey of the bacteria much faster and easier.
Now that we know that the occurrence of UTIs depends on bacterial accessibility to the body, other causes of UTIs can be figured out. Any changes to the vaginal structure and environment, internal and external, can lead to UTIs. Some causes have been listed here:
- Pregnancy - Dilations make the vaginal cavity more accessible, and changes in the immune system further add to pregnancy.
- UTI in the past - Having had one UTI in the past could increase the likelihood of developing a second one.
- Poor hygiene -It is important to have a healthy and clean vagina, poor hygiene can support bacterial development.
- Sexual activity - This simply increases exposure to the external environment, making bacterial invasion easier.
- Menopause - In menopause, the internal environment of a vagina is changed such that it is more suitable for bacterial growth.
Upon bacterial invasion due to any of the reasons mentioned above, in the occurrence of a UTI, you might observe or feel these signs and symptoms:
- Smelly/foul-smelling urine
- Bloody urine
- Frequent urge to urinate
- The feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder
- Burning sensation in urine or painful release of urine
- Burning sensatioPain in the pelvic, abdomen, and back areasn in urine or painful release of urine
How can you treat your UTI at home?
Listed below are the 5 most effective urinary tract infection home remedies. However, you must seek a consultant’s advice since this article is only for informational purposes. At Hercare Group, we have a team of professional consultants who can guide you with treatment options specifically for your case! Since UTIs are more common in pregnant women our pregnancy consultation is highly recommended in case you have any signs of a UTI.
Some of the most important urinary tract infection home remedies are listed below:
- Being hydrated : Like washing clothes with water flushes the stains, consuming fluids to stay hydrated flushes the bacteria in your urinary tract. Having a dehydrated environment is favorable for bacterial breeding and multiplication, which leads to UTIs, therefore a constant intake of fluids is the simplest way to prevent UTIs or get rid of them. This has also been proven by scientific studies. To make this remedy even more effective, you could consume unsweetened cranberry juice. Again, it has been proven by scientific studies that the chemical composition of unsweetened cranberry juice effectively resists bacterial growth and keeps the urinary tract healthy and hydrated. It is worth noting that the juice must be ‘unsweetened’ since sweet juice might not have the desired effect.
- Regular and complete urination : This remedy also works on the sample principle as the previous one. As and when your body stimulates the urge to urinate, you must do it immediately. Constantly urinating suggests that your urethra is constantly being flushed with a fluid, which gets rid of the bacteria, and the opposite creates a bacteria- friendly environment. This is the reason why there is a constant urge to urinate when you have a UTI, as this is an inflammatory response of your body where it is trying to flush out the bacteria. Therefore, if you urinate constantly in normal conditions, you can even prevent yourself from getting a UTI in the first place!
- Applying heat in areas of pain : Applying heat to your back or abdomen can reduce the pain caused by UTI. Once again, pain is an inflammatory response by the body wherein it tries to stimulate an environment that is non-favourable for bacterial survival. For instance, you experience pain in the back end of your abdomen because that’s where your kidneys are located, and that’s exactly the organ targeted by these infections since they are on one end of the urethra. Using a heating pad for 15-20 mins around these areas promotes blood circulation and reduces this inflammatory effect of pain. A hot environment also makes it difficult for the bacteria to survive, therefore giving you instant relief, although temporary.
- Maintaining good hygiene : Maintaining good genital hygiene is more of a preventive measure than a treatment option. Cleaning your genital areas with soap and water, wearing comfortable and good quality undergarments, and wiping from front to back after using the toilet so that bacteria isn’t introduced from the rectal area are examples of small steps you can take to prevent yourself from the risk of catching a UTI.
- Probiotics, Vitamin C intake, and herbal medication : Unlike the previous home remedies, which deal more with your daily habits and patterns, this follows a more medicinal approach. Probiotics, vitamin C, and herbs all help fight a UTI due to their chemical composition. For instance, probiotics are nothing but ‘good’ bacteria. A classic example of this is yogurt, which contains a healthy amount of good bacteria that has the capability to fight the bad, infectious bacteria in UTI.
- Similarly, vitamin C fights harmful bacteria by altering the nature of your urine. It makes it more acidic, which doesn’t allow bacterial survival. Furthermore, it has immune-boosting abilities. Dietary elements that are rich in vitamin C are oranges, strawberries, bell peppers, and broccoli, which could be incorporated into your diet during the occurrence of a UTI. Bearberry, Uva Ursi, and Buchu are some herbs that have shown strong antibacterial properties, making them a recommendable treatment option for UTIs. However, it is important to bring to your attention that these medications follow a strict dosage and intake method for best results and to prevent harmful side effects. Therefore, it is highly recommended that you see a consultant before acting upon these urinary tract infection home remedies.
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